How to Ease into the New Year…

New Year New Me?… Well sort of. I like the idea of a fresh start for the new year and enjoying being ready to start new habits. The word I have chosen for my 2023 year is TRANSFORMATIVE. As much as I would love to pile on the materialistic things that I would like to manifest this year, I realized that deeper work has to be done. This year I’d rather work on the person than the things. I eased into the new year instead of rushing to have my life in order by the first day in January. I will not let the internet rush me. The true work that needed to be done to start the year was done. Offline. No recap of my year or disclosing to the world what I anticipate bringing to fruition this year. Although I may contradict myself a little bit in this post.

One of my favorite things to do when I’m called to is to write down the woman I would like to become. It can be internally and/or externally. Put pen to paper that way it is at the top of your mind. For each facet of the person I would like to become, I write in details what that person feels like and looks like. I write as if I have already become that person. It can be anything from etiquette to therapy to personal style. There are some facets of myself that I love and I naturally exude that energy but I still document it because there are parts of myself that I never want to lose. Some things money cannot buy. You either got it or you don’t. The last time I did this practice was in 2021 and decided I needed a refresher so I bought a whole new moleskin notebook to start fresh.

The older I get the more my priorities change and it is okay if your priorities don’t look like what society tells you is important at that point in your life. In one of my recent Youtube videos I got more transparent than usual just discussing that sometimes taking a step back is necessary and just doing the work quietly can put you in a position in life where you feel like you are on the right track. I say all this to say, do what you have to do to get to where you want to be. Whether it’s in the New Year or mid year. Start your year at your own pace…


International Women’s Day…


How to find a classic coat for the fall/winter season…